Computer Repair
Top 5 Business Computer and IT Trends for 2011
Published on: April 17th, 2011
We’re a few months into the new year and with that in mind, you’re probably wondering what is and what will continue to be the big computer and IT trends for this year. Lucky for you, we’ve narrowed down a few of our favorite things that make 2011 look like it’s going to be a great year.
Top 5 Business Computer & IT Trends for 2011
Below are the top five IT trends we’re looking forward to in 2011.
Cloud Computing: To cut costs many companies are moving to new cloud and SaaS based software systems to take advantage of reduced operating costs and focus on their core business. IT departments are under pressure to improve productivity and deliver more value and fast.
- Rich Content: If there’s one thing that never goes out of style, it’s quality, rich content.
- Location-Based Services: With mobile apps playing more of an important role in our daily lives than ever, location-based services are becoming extremely important. GPS data can help companies come up with more inventive ways to service their customers and get their needs met.
- Data Breach Notification: Sure, these services are a dime a dozen, but how many companies take advantage of them as needed? Not many. It’s simply good business practice (and in some cases even, the law!) to notify your customers of any data breach to their systems.
- Risk Reporting: Companies who face increasing pressure to improve customer and supplier verification (to prevent money laundering, fraud, terrorist exposure, etc.) should definitely look into risk reporting, as it will be help customers feel safe in their current settings.