Daniel (Danny) Bryce

Daniel (Danny) Bryce
CEO and Lead TechDanny at an early age, loved computers even before we had the individual personal computer we have today existed. He programmed his first “professional”(sold it to his friends at school) application at the age of 7. When talking about that program, Danny will chuckle and tell you that it was not very good because he did not yet have a foundation for programming standards.
Danny started working at an early age, not in the IT industry but as the local paperboy. This was at the time where the local paperboy was starting to be replaced by adults driving recklessly on residential streets tossing paper out the window. Danny still delivered his papers on his bike getting up a 5 am or earlier, and personally collected from his customers each month. While we provide many services remotely, will deliver invoices my email or USPS and take Credit Cards, today Danny still believes in a personal touch and less corporate/big box. “IT Services is not about fixing a broken appliance; IT is not as single device, program or service but a plethora of them that must all work together in a cohesive marriage with the user. To truly help a client we cannot be the help desk agent that just happens to be next in the queue to answer the phone. To truly help a client we must know them, know their business, know where they want to take their business, then figure out how we can help with technology that does not get in the way.”
From the paperboy, Danny moved on to work in the local grocery store, where he took several positions through his time there. Worked at that grocery store through High School and college where he studied Computer Information Systems and Database Management. From there Danny took a job with a then large international partnership that did Business (and IT) Consulting. Later this partnership incorporated. While some of it was learned in college it was through his time here that Danny learned, true programming and testing standards and procedures. Danny believes this is what sets computer troubleshooters apart from his competitors. Unlike that 7 year old boy who could and did hack together a program then sold it, Danny believes in have standards and procedures. Everything we do has a procedure. The products and services that we use or resell are not the cheapest on the market or even what gives the most markup (or profit). Most of them have been fully and completely vetted by Danny personally to an unsurpassed high standard. Danny believe Standards and Procedures allow us to deliver a consistent high quality service but also let us identify were we need to improve. “Often the true cost of IT problems are intangible. Whether it is because we simply do not know how to use an IT tools properly or a real problem, if we cannot get it done when it needs to be done there is a cost. That cost can be personal distress because some thing has happened to all the pictures of your new grandbaby or an employee unable to do there job(or just not). While, it may take more time to see the start and may have a higher front-end cost, if we take that time to do it right on the frontend, to figure out the true root issue, there will be few problems the problems that do occur will be easier to resolve. In the long run it will cost people less”
Danny is also a very avid scuba diver. At some point during his time off you will typically need to look for him underwater. Yes, even in Lake Travis. Danny is also a family man. It is this that really lead him to starting CT Southwest Austin. That corporate job had high pressure to move up in the ranks, which also meant more significant business travel as a part of the job. That meant less time with his family and away from Austin, Tx. Caught between a deep desire to be with his family and a nice paying job that supported his family but meant he could not be with his family – Danny made the decision to start his own IT service business. However, IT is big and broad while Danny knows a lot about IT he also knows he does not know it all. This is what led Danny to starting his business under the Computer Troubleshooters Franchise network in 2004.